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miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2011

Speech on ocassion of my 90th birthday

Speech on occasion of my 90th birthday
Charles R. Sargent
October 24, 2009
Good afternoon and greetings to my family and friends who have honored me with your attendance here today simply because I seemed to have survived to my 90th birthday. I have no special formula to give as to how to get to be 90 with minimum effort but I am pleased to share a few principles which I have found to be worthwhile.
• From that renowned playwright and screenwriterWoody Allen-remember, “90 per cent of success in life is just showing up.”
• As enounced by that famous philosopher, Jimmy Durante, “Always be nice to the people you meet on your way up in life as you may meet them again on the way down.”
• As stated by the late great actress MaeWest, “When you are confronted with two evils, try the one you haven’t tried before.”
• As taught me by my father, Charlie, Sr., “avoid slow horses and fast women, and remember that Jack Dempsey really won the 2nd Tunney fight.”
• From my days in the United States Navy – never volunteer!
• From my years in the insurance business - always scrutinize very carefully all bills submitted by the lawyers, and never argue with the president of the company.
• And last, but not least, as said by that great sage, Yogi Berra, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it!”
With these wise words I close, thanking you all again and looking forward to our next big party in 2019.

(se lo debo a Claudio)

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