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martes, 20 de septiembre de 2016

La rana que era una hermosa princesa

One day a young man was walking down a road when a frog called to him: “Boy, if you kiss me, I will turn into a beautiful princess.”
The young man picked up the frog, smiled at it and put it in his pocket.
A short while later, the frog said, “Boy, if you kiss me and turn me back into a beautiful princess, I’ll be yours.”
The young man took the frog from his pocket, smiled at it and put it back.
Now the frog was upset. “Boy, what is the matter?” the frog cried. “I have told you that I am a beautiful princess, and if you kiss me, I’ll be yours!”
The young man took the from from his pocket, looked at it and said: “Look, I’m an engineer. I have no time for a girlfriend, but a talking frog is cool!”
(Anonymous, quoted in C.C. Gaither, Practically Speaking: A Dictionary of Quotations on Engineering, Technology and Architecture, 1999.)

3 comentarios:

  1. En la versión que yo había oído, el afortunado no era un joven, sino un anciano, y su razonamiento era el siguiente: "A mi edad una hermosa joven no me serviría de mucho, pero tener una rana que habla es muy entretenido".

    (Athini Glaucopis)

  2. Toda la vida estudiando para princesa y acaba una trabajando como rana, no es de extrañar que las niñas ya no quieran ser princesas, como decía Pulgarcito y repetía Sabina


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