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jueves, 15 de mayo de 2014

Europa y sus ambigüedades

The Economist: Germany’s ambivalence towards Russia reflects its conflicted identity

6 comentarios:

  1. ....No sé qué clase de ambiguedades puede haber en Angela Merkel cuándo se dirigió al parlamento aleman de ésta manera:

    Addressing the German parliament on Thursday, Chancellor Angela Merkel warned of a “catastrophe” unless Russia backs down. “Ladies and gentlemen, if Russia continues on its course of the past weeks, it will not only be a catastrophe for Ukraine,” she said. “We would not only see it, also as neighbors of Russia, as a threat. And it would not only change the European Union’s relationship with Russia… No, this would also cause massive damage to Russia, economically and politically.”
    Merkel blamed Moscow for illegal actions, using the methods of the 19th and 20th centuries. “The law of the jungle is placed against the strength of the law, unilateral geopolitical concerns against understanding and co-operation,” she said."

    Johannes Stern and Alex Lantier
    Global Research, March 14, 2014
    World Socialist Web Site

  2. ¿Identidad es siempre actuar con la EEUU o siempre actuar con Rusia? ¿Dónde queda la política exterior autónoma de los países (o de la UE) en base a sus propios intereses, y no los de otros?

    1. Europa podrá tener una política exterior independiente de los EEUU cuando se atreva a pagar una política autónoma de defensa.

  3. Un adelanto.

    You wouldn't call a man with a bad education an educated man. That is one of those relics of value terms wich still survive. But when the behaviorists are through with education everyone will be educated because everyone has surely either a good or bad education. And if we must not use value terms, every man is an educated man, and just as now every man has a culture.

    Leo strauss, Seminario Jenofonte 1962

    1. Finkielkraut lo dice de modo no muy diferente bastantes años después en La derrota del pensamiento. Qué grande Strauss.

  4. Y eso que el tío Strauss no viajaba en los trenes de cercanías.



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