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viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010

Así pues...

... ¿tenemos que hacer tabla rasa del futuro?

8 comentarios:

  1. "During the last couple of years since I came to live here (in Dorset), spending much of my time re-reading all the books wich I first read 50 or 60 years ago, I have gone back to 'theology'- or rather, to reflection on religion. And I would like, more than anything else, to extend those brief pages in 'On Human Conduct' into an essay (you know how I admire and value this literary form) on religion and particularly on the Christian religion. This ambition came to me, partly, from the re-reading of all that St. Augustine wrote - St. Augustine and Montaigne, the two most remarcable men who ever lived. What I would like to write is a new version of Anselm's Cur Deus Homo - in wich (among much else) 'salvation', being 'saved' is reconized as (having) nothing whatever to do with the future. Oh, but I know I can never do it now; I have let it too late."
    (Carta de Michael Oakeshott a Patrick Riley)

  2. Por lo menos del futuro como creencia. Como aventura, no.

  3. Claudio, MLL: De repente el futuro da miedo y, si eso es así, tal cosa sólo puede significar el fin de Europa tal como la hemos conocido.

  4. El futuro ya no es lo que era.
    Habrá que ir pensando en hacerse budista.

  5. Lola: El futuro es para quien se lo trabaja,

  6. ¿como que el futuro es para el que trabaja? ¿a ud no le han robado nunca la cartera? o peor

    Arbeit Macht Frei???? si un caso si trabajas tienes mas posibilidades, pero de eso a garantizar el éxito es muy arriesgado.

    Yo pensaba en el futuro un aumento de sueldo y ya lo ve sin haber participado de los beneficios, me lo van a rebajar.

  7. ¿Han visto esto?

    "Or consider a report on Francisco Fernández Ordóñez, who led Spain’s integration into the European Community as its foreign minister. On March 3, 1989, according to these documents, he explained to Gorbachev that “the success of perestroika means only one thing—the success of the socialist revolution in contemporary conditions. And that is exactly what the reactionaries don’t accept.” Eighteen months later, Ordóñez told Gorbachev: “I feel intellectual disgust when I have to read, for example, passages in the documents of ‘G7’ where the problems of democracy, freedom of human personality and ideology of market economy are set on the same level. As a socialist, I cannot accept such an equation.”


  8. El futuro hace tabla rasa de cualquiera si es lo suficientemente futuro.



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